Wednesday, December 30, 2015

A day in the workroom

At the start of this week I set myself the task of cleaning out my room - drawers, attic, shelves......all of it! In the course of my "new-year" cleaning spree I realized that my craft/mending/refashion pile was almost as tall as me!--granted that's not that tall, but still! I had been accumulating clothes that I liked but that didn't fit right....or  just needed fixing and I kept telling myself "I'll get around to it." Well to start the new year with a clean slate I got around to it today and spent all day in my workroom. 
Project #1: The green striped dress
Problem: Too short 
Solution: Add a ruffle 

Project #2: The sequined top with bolero jacket
Problem: Those sleeves looked like wings!
Solution: Take the sleeves in under the arm.

Project #3: The pink blouse
Problem: Sleeves were way too big under the arm.
Solution: Take the sleeves in under the arm.

Project #4: The striped top
Problem: A dress that was too short and too tight.
Solution: Chop off the bottom and make it an asymmetrical top.

Project #5: The white blouse.
Problem: Way too long
Solution: chop off some of the bottom and re-hem.

Project #6: The maxi dress
Problem: Un-flattering and somewhat dated
Solution: Chop off the top and make it a maxi skirt.

Project #7: The blue skirt
Problem: Cute but just not quite my style.
Solution: cut off the top and add elastic to make a shorter "cowgirl" skirt.

Project #8: The plaid skirt.
Problem: Waist was too big.
Solution: Add a couple darts in the waist.

Project #9: The OBX shirt
Problem: It was HUGE!
Solution: Take in about 3 inches in the back then gather it and wrap a band around the seam to form a bow in the back (and simultaneously hide the seam) 

There were a few other items which ended up in the trash bin because I either didn't like the way they turned out or I didn't love them enough to put that much work into them.  I also fixed up a few jean skirts and a skirt for Havi. So that was my day in the workroom, just remember "use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without" before pitching clothes! 

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