Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sister time

Yesterday Havi and I took a little time to spend together, taking pictures and just having a general time of fun and laughs--although our time together is almost always fun and laughs lol.  But thought I'd share with y'all : )

I am so blessed to have this girl for my sister.  She's not just my sister, she's my best friend and I am so proud of the beautiful, Godly young lady she has become--I even forgive her for now being taller than me ; )  I am so glad we get to spend time together and grow together.  The exciting thing is that Victoria is also growing by leaps and bounds and I love that I have two sweet girlfriends to go through life with.


*NOTE: The last picture wasn't from yesterday but I wanted to include it as it had all three of us*

Monday, March 16, 2015

The Franco Family Players

Last week our poor, dear Mother was ill in bed so I had charge of the family for the week.  Needless to say it was an adventure, and though tiring I had a wonderful time getting things accomplished and keeping things running.  One of the things on my "to-do-list" was to help the chilluns with their school work and as they are studying Roman history, I helped them put on a play for Mom and Dad. Their assignment was to perform the story of Mucius, the Left-handed and after getting into the "mood" of actually doing this shindig the kids had a blast and really put tons of work and thought into it. I was so proud of them and wanted to share a little bit of our fun with y'all.

The Franco Family Cast

If your first thought on seeing this picture is "uhmm.......that doesn't look Roman...." you would be correct lol.  Our idea was to perform the story in a modern day setting (especially, since the boys did NOT want to wear togas-- or as they called them, "dresses")
So the setting was the RBI-- Roman Bureau of Investigation-- tracking down the Etruscan Gang, led by Lars Porsena.

Haviland played the part of the Roman Leader and looked fabulously intimidating! 

Jared as Lars Porsena--a very handsome, classy criminal. 

Victoria was the beautiful secretary (isn't she gorgeous???)

And last, but definitely not least, David did a WONDERFUL job as Mucius, the Left-handed.

Apart from being a modern day play we also decided to make it a comedy and boy did we have fun! The children came up with most of their own lines and had us rolling with laughter (especially David, who seems to have a knack for perfect punch lines and on-the-spot poetry) 
I wish y'all could have seen their performance but I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into our theatrical endeavors.  We felt just like we were in "Little Women"! : )