Thursday, June 10, 2010

4 years ago yesterday...

... A little baby was born.
A little girl to be loved and petted,
to be cared for and cherished and yes, sometimes even spoiled.

This little girl is my dear little sister and playmate now 4 years old.

Affectionately known as "Pulga" because of her small size and
how she clings to you, Victoria Isabella Franco is a big blessing despite her size.

I love you soooo much Pulga!!! Happy birthday!!!
~So teach us to number our days,
That we may present to You a heart of wisdom~
~ Psalm 90:12


Michelle Moyano said...

Happy Birthday dear sweet Victoria and a Happy Belated to our dear sweet David too.

Aunt Michelle

Pilar Cardeña said...

Happy Birthday !!!! to Victoria Dios la bendiga.

con cariño
~ familia Cardeña ~

Sarah said...

What sweet photos! Happy birthday to you, Victoria!!! :)

Maiden4Christ said...

Dear Aunt Michelle,
Thank you from Victoria and David.
We love you guys.

Dear Sarah,
Thank you for you sweet comment I'm Sure Victoria appreciates it.

Maiden4Christ said...

muchisimas gracias hna. Que Dios les bendiga,

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday, little Victoria! Love Mrs. Casserole.