Saturday, June 27, 2009

Vacation Bible School

All last week we had VBS at our church
and I had the privilege to help with the music and in the 8-9 year old's class.
We had Bible stories, puppets, music, costumes, plays, prizes and more!!!
So here are some pictures of my week. I hope you enjoy.

Mr. Torres the teacher for ages 8-9
(Just in case you are wondering the theme for VBS was
"Passport to the land of Jesus Christ" which is why all the teachers
were dressed as Israelites )

Me, acting a very sleepy Jonah.

The puppets standing on the wall of Jerusalem.

A little girl called Tatiana. Isn't she adorable?

The mad rush to see who would win in the offering,
boys or girls. The little boy (his name is Uriel) jumped into the picture.

Charlie and Roberto enjoying hot dogs Friday evening.
(In all the group pictures I'm naming the people from left to right)

Jasmine, Haviland, and Adriana on Friday.
To earn extra points the girls had to wear a pink shirt.

Me, playing "Holy is He" for the offertory
with Benjamin, Josue and Eric.

The costume was VERY hot and none of the boys wanted to wear one
except Danny. (Benjamin's brother)

Please pray that the children who came will remember what they learned
about the life of Jesus, that they will continue to come to church and that they
might be saved.

I really enjoyed being able to help, and look forward to
next years VBS.

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